Data is everything
Data is our passion and we firmly believe that information should only be entered once – NEVER DUPLICATED! How one piece of information relates to another is the key to designing and implementing successful solutions; this is where we excel!
Print and packaging is evolving to become smarter – tracking consumer purchasing, recording geographic locations and offering brand loyalty schemes.
For this to happen you’ll need as a minimum unique identifiers on each printed pack. These could be anything from 1 or 2D codes, alphanumeric text strings, to embedded coding hidden in the print.

Solutions providers
We’ve been building solutions to help people for years. Our chosen platform for bespoke apps is Claris Filemaker. We love Filemaker because it is an integrated relational database system (database, layout and web tools in one application). It’s PC, Mac and Linux based, plus web and mobile too.
It’s secure and can be hosted in the cloud (preferred) or locally.
We’ve built full Management Information Systems, Customer Relationship Management systems and just about anything else required.
Claris also offer a product called Connect, a powerful suite of connectors allowing you to pass data between your app and other popular solutions using API calls (Application Programming Interface). We can set this up for you when we build your solution.
We can also create data to drive variable or personalised print campaigns… lot’s of it if needed. We have the ability to create terabytes of data if your campaign so requires and creation of bespoke solutions for whatever type of data you need.
- This could be a simple sequential number, with check-digit/s (in any base system from 2 to 36)
- Unique random codes for competitions (numeric or alpha numeric or any numbering system)
- Selecting colours or palettes based on universal principles of colour (to ensure harmony between all selected)
- Apply weighting across a fixed array and then distribute over specific lengths of material (ie, finished reels)
- Use data to drive variation in designs
Connected world
The world around us is becoming increasingly connected. The rise of IOT’s at home and in the workplace makes it possible to pass data to devices across your network (job info & parameters) and drive automation.